A big thank you to Dr. Alan Kwan for his hypotheses. The illustrations are his vision of what the future may hold for us and this project could not have been done without him.
Email nickolaylamm@gmail.com for complete set of high resolution images and report from Dr. Alan Kwan.
Thank you to Forbes, Huffington Post, Huffington Post UK, Mashable, Discovery News, Daily Mail, Business Insider, BuzzFeed, ABC News, Good Morning America, Fox News, MSN, Weather Channel, Mashable, USA Today, and many more for covering this project.
I’ll address 2 critiques of this project which I’ve received by email, internet comments, and articles critiquing this project.
“Why did you use a white man and woman?”
People are reading way too much into this. I chose those two figures because they were the best frontal facing stock photos I could find.
“This is ridiculous! There’s no way humans will look like this!”
There is a subtle but important distinction between a prediction and a hypothesis. Obviously, nobody can predict what will happen 100,000 years from now, but this is one possibility based on reasoned thought.
Think of this project as asking your college professor to draw what humans may look like 100,000 years from now. He didn’t perform an exhaustive scientific research study to find out what will happen (mainly because it would be useless to). He used his knowledge to make an educated guess.